Cast your Vote for Gregory Scott in the 2022 Oticon Focus on People Awards
Vote for Gregory Scott in the 2022 Oticon Focus on People Awards!
Cast Your Vote Online at now through November 4
Gregory Scott of New York, NY has been selected as a finalist in the 2022 Oticon Focus on People Awards, a national competition that recognizes individuals who are helping to change perceptions of what it means to live with hearing loss. Greg is honored as one of three finalists in the Advocacy category, a category that recognizes individuals who share a passion to make the world a better place not only for people with hearing loss but for everyone through their professional, volunteer, cultural and civic endeavors.
The public is invited to cast their votes for Greg and other finalists in the Student, Adult, Advocacy and Practitioner categories at through November 4. The total number of votes received by each finalist will help to determine who will be the first, second and third place winners in each category.
“Life-changing technology and the support of dedicated hearing care professionals open a world of possibilities for people with hearing loss, empowering them to achieve, contribute and excel,” said Nancy Palmere Mucha, Director of Consumer Marketing and Public Relations for Oticon, Inc., who heads the national program. “The Oticon Focus on People Awards honor the remarkable individuals who have turned those possibilities into realities to make the world a better place for all of us.”

Like many people with hearing loss, Greg had difficulty hearing in noisy bars and restaurants. He began to measure noise with a smartphone decibel meter and develop lists of quieter spots. Friends, those with normal hearing and those with hearing loss, would continuously ask for the lists. This inspired Greg to create the SoundPrint crowdsourcing app. Using the app’s internal decibel meter, anyone can measure and report the sound levels of their surroundings to the SoundPrint database. Today, people around the world can freely access the SoundPrint app to learn if a certain venue is quiet or loud.
Beyond making conversation easier, the database is shared with venue managers, public health researchers and hearing health advocates to let them know people care about noise.
Voting for Greg and all the 2022 finalists is open now through November 4 at
Winners will be announced in early 2023.
About the Oticon Focus on People Awards
Leading hearing solutions manufacturer Oticon, Inc. created the national awards program to honor hearing impaired students, adults and advocacy volunteers who drive awareness and understanding that can change attitudes and open doors of opportunity for all people with hearing loss. Hearing loss is the third most common physical condition, after arthritis and heart disease. It has been shown to affect physical health, cognition, social skills, family relationships, self-esteem and more. Outdated stereotypes of what it means to live with hearing loss often discourage people from seeking life-changing help.